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Freitag, 28.03.25, 17:00 Uhr

Techstars Startup Weekend Circular Economy Basel

Startup Weekend Circular Economy Basel builds on a proven approach to bring ideas forward that solve our current challenges with a focus on circular solutions.  You get to jump into a 3-day hackathon where you turn ideas into circular solutions. Build new ventures, experience startup life, and pitch your ideas to create real impact.

  • DAY 1 - PM and evening:  Introduction and team building
  • DAY 2 - All Day:  Develop solutions in a structured framework and with experts.
  • DAY 3 - All Day:  Present your solutions!

A General Participant ticket includes team buliding, a structured framework to develop your solutions, access to a creative environment, and an engaging experience.  Meals, soft drinks and fun activities are included!


Interested to hear the solutions? A Sunday Pitch ticket allows you access to the pitch session on Sunday at 17:00.  Includes a networking aperó, and a peek into the circular economy solutions.


Powered by

  • Startup Academy Basel
  • Impact Hub Basel
  • University of Basel Innovation Office


Westhive Basel Rosental
Sandgrubenstrasse 44
4058 Basel

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