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Sonntag, 15.12.24, 14:00 Uhr

Shibari Workshop Beginners

Are you at the beginning of your shibari journey? This course is for you! You and your partner will learn the basics of shibari, get the necessary information about the safety aspects, risks and dangers of tying, necessary tools and materials suitable for tying.

The practical part consists of simple knots and one-two-rope ties. Each time we start with the technique: we try it out together and familiarize ourselves with it to some extent. Then we go further to the emotional level as the next step!

Shibari is about communication through the ropes and sensual connection with the partner, and you will make first steps to create this connection, with or even without the rope!

Afterwards, each couple takes time to practice and ask questions.

What you have learned will enable you to present your partner a little emotional journey using just a simple rope technique!

All the details are on my website:


Please read all the information and ticket refund policy prior to buying the ticket! You will be asked to buy 2 tickets – one per person. This workshop is for couples.



1) I as event organiser provide my own date-based refund possibility:

- If you return your tickets till 17.11.2024 23:59 CET, you'll get 100% of the ticket price back. I will hold back an administrative fee of 10 CHF in this case though.

- If you return your tickets till 01.12.2024 23:59 CET, you'll get 50% of the ticket price back.

- Starting from 02.12.2024 00:00 CET the tickets cannot be returned.

- If the workshop is cancelled, you'll get 100% of the ticket price back.

You should cancel your tickets and ask for refund per e-mail: info@kinbaku.be

I'll use the receipt date and time of your written cancellation request to determine the amount to be refunded.

2) Other cases are not covered by me personally. If you don't want to lose your money in case of sickness, transport issues etc – please consider purchasing the Eventfrog ticket insurance for you and your partner when you buy the tickets! The ticket insurance is included by default. Read the insurance policy and decide if you need it! According to my communication with the Eventfrog support, it should be possible to reclaim the money for both tickets, if one of you gets sick.


Kinbaku Studio Bern
Bernapark 1
3066 Stettlen

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