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Donnerstag, 23.01.25, 18:00 Uhr

2 Tonnes Workshop Basel

Imagine the future and take action for the ecological transition!

In this workshop you will concretely learn which individual actions can reduce your personal footprint, and which collective actions should be leveraged to transition our societies to a low carbon world.

This serious game progressively sends you in time from now to 2050, with a digital platform that shows how your footprint decreases. 

Ideally, you should have done first the "Climate Fresk" workshop to understand the climate change mechanisms.

Why 2 tonnes?

2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent: this is the average carbon footprint per capita that we should reach in 2050, in order to respect the commitment of the Paris Agreement. Today, we are around 6.8 tonnes on average in the world. The challenge to be taken up is therefore considerable! Changes and a real transition are both required. This workshop allows everyone to provide their own answer!

Believe in tomorrow, take action today! Are you taking on the challenge with us?

Thursday 23 January 2025 | 18:00 to 21:30 (doors open at 17:45) | Impact Hub Basel

Snacks will be provided and donations are welcome on site.

To learn more about 2 Tonnes, visit en.2tonnes.org


Please note that by registering and participating in this event, you agree to the recording of your appearance and/or your voice, which Impact Hub Basel can publish in photos, videos and accompanying sound recordings via online and offline media and for marketing purposes. 


Impact Hub Basel
Horburgstrasse 105
4057 Basel

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